Heaven is a “Fairy Story”
World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has confirmed that which we all knew, Heaven is a "fairy story", for those who are afraid of the dark! I could have told you that and…
World renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has confirmed that which we all knew, Heaven is a "fairy story", for those who are afraid of the dark! I could have told you that and…
One of my favourite comebacks that I read on a blog recently was when an atheistic scientist was talking to a creationist and the creationist stated "I don't come from…
The Pope has tried his hand at evolutionary biology and failed miserably! According to him Humanity is not a product of evolution...which is random... Firstly we ARE undoubtedly the product…
A new article in Nature outlines that Human males "lost" certain genes, as part of his evolution, which lead to larger brains and also "lost" spines from his penis which…
Is the daffodil's trumpet a newly evolved flower part? More clues and evidence for evolution, but far more pretty! From BBC Science.
Many people will have noticed that a question on the Biology GCSE paper from 2009 recently surfaced which apparently gave equal weight to Natural Selection, Lamarkianism, Intelligent Design and Creationism.…
...and more evidence for the development of the human liniage is discovered and confirmed...although there is still much more to learn and discover, but that is why we do science!…
Atheism and Sex: take part in the survey (more…)
Separate type of human co-existed and interbred with our own species (more…)
“Science is no more compatible with religion than with other superstitions.” (more…)