Welcome and thanks for becoming a Full Member of Atheism UK.
You will shortly receive an e-mail confirming your membership.
Your help provides much-needed funding for our campaign work. Atheism UK is a not-for-profit organization and our main income is from membership subscriptions.
Membership of Atheism UK gives you the opportunity to participate in the advancement of atheism in the following ways:
- Attending, submitting motions to, speaking and voting at General Meetings.
- Standing for election as an officer, member of the Council.
- Membership of committees.
- Involvement in campaigning activities.
- Submitting articles for publication on our web site.
I would encourage you to get active, and participate. Your contribution will make a difference.
Finally, if you haven’t already done so, please consider registering on our website via this link:
This will enable you to leave comments on blog articles and be included in any e-mails that we occasionally send to registered members.
Ferran Nogueroles
AUK Treasurer and Membership Secretary
E-mail: members@atheismuk.com