Atheism UK to talk to Voice of Islam Radio – again.

Atheism UK speaks to Voice of Islam radio about Human v Religious Rights.

Chris Street, President of Atheism UK spoke to Voice of Islam radio in August. Today we received another request to talk to them tomorrow (Thursday 17th November) between 4 – 5pm. This time the topic is ‘Human v Religious Rights’.  As members & supporters of Atheism UK, we would like to get your views. Please comment below (or send an email) with your response to their questions – we might just quote you!


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1 in 10 British Muslims agree: ‘Organisations that publish images of Prophet Mohammad deserve to be attacked’

ComRES Poll of UK Muslims, February 2015

todayBetween 23rd January  and 20th February 2015, 1000 British Muslims were asked by COMRES what they thought about British Society and cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. The poll asked British Muslims two questions:

    • 1)  ‘Do you agree or disagree with these eight statements about British society…? (Table 5)
    • 2) ‘Do you agree or disagree with these six statements about cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad …?’ (Table 14)


Continue Reading1 in 10 British Muslims agree: ‘Organisations that publish images of Prophet Mohammad deserve to be attacked’