A conversation with a ‘moderate’ Muslim
Recently I had a very interesting conversation about religion with a Muslim woman, originally from Morocco. (more…)
Recently I had a very interesting conversation about religion with a Muslim woman, originally from Morocco. (more…)
The next topic in our series of debunking arguments. (more…)
Atheism implies amorality, according to philosopher Joel Marks. (more…)
“Together in diversity” was one slogan used to promote multiculturalism in Britain in the 1980s. The intention was that recognising different cultures would help to build a unified society. However,…
Please consider adding your support to this petition. (more…)
We are proud to announce that Atheism has become the first organization from the United Kingdom to be approved as an Affiliate to the Atheist Alliance International. AAI's vision is…
Arguments for the existence of a god Part 2 – The Argument from Fulfilled Prophecy Continuing our examination of why people believe in the existence of a god and the…
Can mystical experience be a source of knowledge?
In this featured article, Dr Peter Connolly explores this question in some depth. (more…)
*With apologies to Douglas Adams. I was going to say that it's just about safe to turn on the TV or open a newspaper now without being bombarded by the…
Arguments for the existence of a god debunked: Part 1 – The Argument From Ignorance. At Atheism we thought it was about time we started a series of articles looking…